Glazing the cabinets wasn't hard, just time consuming. VERY time consuming. The glaze I used was given to me, but its Valspar antiquing glaze in 'Asphaltum.' It was a little dark for me so I just added some brown acrylic paint until I got the color I wanted. To do ALL of the cabinets took very little glaze. I put it in a little styrofoam cup and it was maybe halfway full, thats it.
I do have to say that I'm pretty sure you could do the same thing with just acrylic craft paint watered down a bit.
I ended up painting it on the spots I wanted, and going over it with a damp rag, I had two rags that I switched back and forth with so I didn't have to rinse out a rag as often.
This is what it looked like when I was painting the glaze on:
I just used a small craft paint brush. By the time I got done adding the glaze it was dry enough to wipe off. If I didn't let it dry for a minute or so, it would just wipe completely off. Which was frustrating.
Here's a comparison of glazed vs. unglazed:
After I went over all of them and added to or messed with it until it was where I wanted it, I did go back over some of the cabinet with the original white, just to tone it down or to make some of it look smoother.
I also very lightly did some glazing to the red, it doesn't show up as well, but it does make a difference in person.
In the pictures it looks a lot more... dirty? than it does in person. It also picks up the colors weirdly in pictures, it almost looks like the top cabinets are kind of pinkish, which they're obviously not. But I actually really like the glaze and how much depth it adds to the cabinets and the bead board.
So what do you think? Have you used glaze before? Would you paint your cabinets?
Friday, March 14, 2014
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Painting Kitchen Cabinets
I decided awhile ago that I was going to paint my cabinets. After searching and researching and finally settling, I decided to go for a two toned cabinet. Our local Sherwin Williams store was having a sale and so I went in and told the guy what I wanted to do, and he suggested a semi-gloss interior/exterior acrylic paint. I got it in Stolen Kiss (7586), and the upper cabinets I used the same as my wall color which is Olympic satin Love Bird (c30-3)--it kind of tickles me that both colors are all cutesy lovey, makes me happy!
Before I painted the cabinets I decided I wanted to put some bead board wallpaper inside the inserts. I really could have been more precise with cutting the squares but its a messy process and I was just wanting to get it done. After I put the paper in and it had dried for 24 hours, I went back in and caulked the edges to fix any edges that weren't even and also to make sure it wasn't going to come up EVER. :)
Then I started with the red paint, it was going on the bottom cabinets and up one side where they weren't separated.
Then I got started with the white up top:
The range hood looks ridiculous now up against the white--don't worry I'm going to take care of that!
A better shot of the bead board:
After I finished painting, I decided I wanted to glaze them and lucky for me my cousin had some leftover glaze she wasn't using. Next update will be that!
linked up at Tatertots & Jello